
Best Sandals For Foot Drop

Best Sandals For Foot Drop


foot drop sandalsFinding sandals that you can wear comfortably and that can be used with a brace that supports foot drop can be extremely challenging. This is a common concern shared by many of our patients here at Masterton Foot Clinic – that while they’ve been able to gain fantastic results with foot drop bracing for closed-in shoes, they’re frustrated by having their shoe choices notably limited, particularly in the summer months. They want to be able to wear sandals that they can look and feel good in. 

Our podiatry team gets it – which is why thanks to advancements in orthotic technology, if you’re living with foot drop, whether due to conditions like stroke, multiple sclerosis, or other neurological disorders, you can now enjoy greater mobility and comfort by pairing your sandals with the Xtern ankle-foot orthotic (AFO).

Xtern AFO Brace For Sandals: Why We Love It

The Xtern AFO is not just a conventional brace; it’s a real game-changer when it comes to greater flexibility and footwear choices when living with foot drop. Our patients love it because:

  • Exoskeleton Design: Unlike traditional AFOs that encase the foot and ankle, the Xtern features an exoskeleton design that fits onto the outside of the shoe. This means no skin contact with the foot or ankle, minimising discomfort and reducing the risk of skin breakdown or rubbing injuries.


  • Maximum Comfort: The Xtern brace prioritises comfort without compromising on effectiveness. Its unique patented design ensures unparalleled levels of function while eliminating discomfort or rubbing, allowing users to move with ease and confidence.


  • Versatility: Whether you prefer trainers, lace-up shoes, sandals, or even safety work boots, the Xtern AFO seamlessly integrates with a wide range of footwear. This versatility means you can enjoy the same level of support and comfort regardless of the occasion or activity – and it switches from shoe to shoe in just 30 seconds!


  • Custom Build: The Xtern is a custom-built modular AFO made from highly durable thermoplastic, offering a limited warranty of 2 years. Its heat-adjustable feature allows for personalised adjustments to accommodate varying foot widths and dorsiflexion strengths, ensuring a perfect fit for every individual.


  • Enhanced Mobility: Unlike many other AFOs that restrict ankle movement, the Xtern allows for easy plantarflexion, maintaining maximal ankle range of motion and calf muscle strength. This means you can walk, run, hike, or navigate uneven terrain with confidence and stability.


  • Clinically Proven: The Xtern is not just a stylish accessory; it’s a clinically proven treatment option for foot drop associated with various neurological conditions such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and more. Its symmetrical design fits both the right and left foot, offering universal relief and support.


Which Sandals Can The Xtern Brace Be Used With?

One thing we love is that there are no predetermined sandals for you to have to use the brace with – you bring your sandals in to us! We do have some criteria that must be met for fitting sandals so that we can secure the device appropriately to the sandal and be able to offer you the most support:

  •  Strap that goes across the forefoot that is fairly sturdy and can handle some load from the brace (not super thin, flimsy straps)
  • Thicker, ideally tapered and ridged sole
  • Securing strap across the ankle


Unsure if your sandals would be suitable for the Xtern brace? No problem – bring them into your consultation with us, or feel free to send a photo beforehand to adam@mastertonfootclinic.co.nz. We can also recommend a range of sandals available for purchase locally during your appointment.