
Case Study: Successfully Treating A Foot Covered In Plantar Warts

Case Study: Successfully Treating A Foot Covered In Plantar Warts

Having warts on the bottom of the feet that won’t go away is a frustrating, ongoing problem that can last months or even years. They can make walking comfortably hell for our patients, leaving them:

  • Constantly feeling like they’re walking on a painful pebble
  • Being unable to feel comfortable in a pair of shoes
  • Trying pharmacy treatment after treatment, with no long-lasting success, and much discomfort throughout


While many people are told that they should just wait for the wart to go away on its own, or to use padding in the meantime that only ever provides a little temporary relief, the reality is that when left untreated, warts can stick around for a very long time – and so many people continue to suffer, day after day, and step after step.

This was the case for one of our patients, Jessica, a mum of two with multiple wart clusters on both feet, especially on the right foot. After struggling with the pain and caring for her family, and trying liquid nitrogen that only worsened the warts, she saw our podiatrists for treatment. 

We used the blunt dissection procedure, which has a 95% success rate in our clinic. It has distinct benefits, such as being able to carefully ‘edge out’ only the pathological tissue, leaving the healthy tissue carefully intact. It also reduces the risk of notable scarring compared to a standard sharp dissection.

We used blunt dissection on only the largest cluster of warts on the right foot, and followed it with dry needling to the area, which helps initiate an immune response to help clear the viral cells.

In the six months following her treatment, most of Jessica’s warts had disappeared, the others had resolved significantly, and she hasn’t looked back. She can now walk without pain, pick up her kids without wincing, wear shoes without thinking twice – and her whole treatment procedure was easy and simple.