
Treating Athlete’s Foot This Summer | Masterton Podiatrist

Treating Athlete’s Foot This Summer | Masterton Podiatrist


Is the skin around your feet feeling itchy, red, and taking on a dry and scale-like appearance that resembles many small popped blisters? These are some of the characteristic signs of Athlete’s foot that our podiatrists see and treat. While these symptoms can feel frustrating and uncomfortable, Athlete’s foot is also contagious – meaning that if anyone in your household has it, it can spread to others just by sharing the same surfaces with bare feet inside the house. This is why it’s important to always treat a suspected Athlete’s foot infection as soon as you spot it. 

When it comes to treating Athlete’s foot and stopping the spread, knowledge is power. So today our Masterton podiatrists have shared how to treat your Athlete’s foot fungal infection and prevent a new Athlete’s foot infection from plaguing your household in the future.


What Is Athlete’s Foot?

Referred to as tinea pedis in our clinic, this condition translates directly to having a ‘fungus foot’. An Athlete’s foot fungal infection often affects the skin on the soles of the feet and the spaces between the toes. You don’t need to be an Athlete to contract the infection, either. This name simply stems from the fact that those involved in athletic activities tend to spend more time with their feet feeling sweaty and moist, which creates the perfect environment for fungus to grow. With that said, sandal wearers can be at risk too, with the hot sun drying the skin so it loses its natural protective oils, and with the potential rubbing and friction from wearing the sandals making you more prone to infection. 

The reason that sharing surfaces is a source of infection is that fungus spreads through spores that are very small, lightweight, and are left on surfaces that a bare infected foot comes into contact with. These spores are invisible to the naked eye – with more than 1,000 spores easily fitting on a small pinhead. Once you’re exposed to the fungus, anyone can develop the infection.


Signs & Symptoms

You may suspect that you have an Athlete’s foot fungal infection if you have:

  • White, dry-looking skin
  • Red & scaly rash, often starting between the toes
  • Cracked or peeling skin
  • Itching, stinging and burning
  • Raw skin or painful fissures, which may cause swelling
  • Blisters 


Can Athlete’s Foot Be Prevented?

Yes – there are several things you can do to help protect your feet and reduce your risk of picking up an Athlete’s foot fungal infection. These include:

  • Not wearing your damp shoes for more than one day in a row: It takes shoes approximately 24-48 hours to dry properly from the natural sweat and moisture that builds up (this doesn’t even include rainy conditions!), which happens to be an ideal breeding ground for fungus. We recommend having at least two pairs of work shoes that you’re happy to wear on a regular basis, and alternating between the two on different days. This ensures that each pair has a chance to dry well, while minimising the risk of other damage to your skin by keeping them in a moist environment day after day.
  • Keep your feet as dry as possible: If your feet get wet, whether it’s after a shower, getting caught in the rain or after swimming, ensure that you take twenty seconds to dry thoroughly between your toes, especially if you’re putting your shoes back on. This is especially true if you have a bunion or other foot condition when the toes are positioned closely together, or are pressing against one another. In these cases, ensure you get into those spaces and dry well.
  • Wear jandals in public places like swimming pools: Ensure you wear jandals or other shoes in places where you’re sharing surfaces with many other people, like public swimming pools, changing rooms and showers. This immediately prevents you from coming in contact with fungus that may be lingering on the ground.
  • Give your toes plenty of room: The part of the shoe that surrounds your toes is called your toe box, and this should give your toes a good amount of room. When you wear shoes that are tight or narrow, the toes are crammed into one another, which encourages sweating and traps moisture between the toes, making the skin vulnerable to fungal infections and other damage.
  • Choose socks carefully: If you’re wearing socks on a daily basis, choose ones that will wick moisture away from your feet such as those made of bamboo, polyester, merino wool, nylon, lycra and CoolMax technologies. If your feet are particularly prone to sweating, change your socks halfway through the day.
  • Treat Athlete’s foot infections promptly: If someone in your household develops an Athlete’s foot infection, encourage them to treat their infection quickly to reduce the likelihood of it spreading to you or other members in your household. Until then, protect your feet with thongs or slippers inside your home, and don’t share the same shoes, socks or bathmats.


How Can I Get Rid Of My Athlete’s Foot?

Getting rid of an Athlete’s foot fungal infection starts with confirming the diagnosis, as there are a number of other conditions that appear similar to an Athlete’s foot infection, including foot eczema (specifically podopompholyx), psoriasis, a bacterial infection, or contact dermatitis. This is done during your appointment with your podiatrist. 

After your Athlete’s foot infection is confirmed, it’s time to start a specific over-the-counter antifungal medication that your podiatrist will recommend. In some cases, particularly where an Athlete’s foot infection may be combined with a bacterial infection which will be marked by a significant foot odour, hydrocortisone cream may be recommended. Your podiatrist will inform you what you need, how to use it, and what extra measures you can be taking to treat your infection promptly and effectively – such as anti-fungal aerosols to be used on your shoes, or antifungal washing powder for your towels, bath mats and sheets. 


When your treatment is started, it’s very important to keep your feet as clean and dry as possible. This involves:

  • Disinfecting surfaces that are high risk for reinfection – like your shower
  • Changing socks regularly if you tend to sweat excessively – and wearing socks that wick moisture away from the feet
  • Alternating pairs of enclosed shoes, to avoid wearing the same ones daily – this may not give them a chance to properly dry between wearing
  • Letting your feet air where possible – alternate between open and closed shoes regularly
  • Always drying your feet well between the toes. If you can’t reach your toes, make sure you scrunch your toes on a towel or have your significant other help with this
  • Using disinfecting sprays or powders with your shoes and socks


To start treating your Athlete’s foot fungal infection, book your appointment with our team today.