Lunula Laser FAQ’s
Does Lunula laser work?
Yes, we have great success using the Lunula laser with our patients. When we first made the decision to bring the Lunula laser to Masterton (and the first in New Zealand), we did so after reviewing the research and studies on its effectiveness and being pleased with the promising results. We also spoke with colleagues who were successfully using the laser overseas in Australia and the UK.
What is the Lunula laser’s success rate?
Cold laser has up to a 97% success rate, with studies showing clinical success rates of between 83% and 97% after four treatments with the laser. What we must disclose here, is that we believe part of the success with the laser also lies in preventing reinfection after the treatment. This is why we place tremendous emphasis on this aspect, equipping you with the knowledge, skills and some of the tools to help prevent reinfection from high risk areas like your shoes, socks, shower and the like.
Is Lunula laser safe?
Absolutely, cold laser is proven to be the safest and most reliable option available for the treatment of nail fungus when compared to traditional treatment options. When the safety of laser is questioned, this is usually due to the heat that is generated from hot lasers that have the potential to burn skin and cause real damage. This is not the case for cold laser – there is no heat at all, no risk of burns, and no negative side effects.
How is the laser cold?
It’s all to do with the wavelengths of the laser. Hot lasers use a higher wavelength laser which generates heat. Hot lasers rely on this heat to destroy the fungal cells. The Lunula laser uses two laser wavelengths that operate at lower wavelengths and do not generate heat. It relies on the two different actions of these lasers to have its fungus-destroying properties – all with no heat.
Is laser good for toenail fungus?
Yes, it’s the best – and is proven to be the most successful treatment compared to medications and any nail paints, creams and lacquers. We’re seeing the best results we’ve ever seen with laser, in our decades of being podiatrists.
How much does it cost to have Lunula laser treatment?
While your fungal nail infection may only have started recently with only a minor section of your affected, others may have had their fungal nail infection for years, with all ten toes being severely affected. We always want to make sure our treatment prescription gives you the best chance of success, so we assess each person on a case by case basis to understand how many sessions you are likely to need and provide a quote.
I’m not sure if Lunula laser is right for me, what can I do?
If you’d like a more accurate guide before booking an appointment, we invite you to send an image of your toenail via email, and one of our podiatrists can provide guidance and give you some tailored high-level advice before your appointment.